So DD is graduating this year and heading off to college. She applied at five of the Cal State schools here in CA. Here first choice sent her an acceptance email on Christmas Eve! She was so excited. DS is leaving too! After 4 years at the JC, he finally decided what to major in and God willing he will pass all
6 of his classes this semester and he will be heading up north, to the furthest State campus! Empty nesters and we didn't even plan it this way!

Well DD has been looking at bedding for her new adventure. They have XL twins on college campuses and she is in a double bed now, she is not happy about that. Being a bargain hunter like me she was starting to look now so we could start gathering up her supplies. So off to Bed Bath and Beyond yesterday. I really didn't think we would find anything, was I wrong. Everything is on clearance! Here is what we found! It included the comforter, sheet set, sham, throw, towels, a hamper and wall dots. It was regularly $80 but we got it for $20! Now we can start looking for accessories in these colors when they go on sale! We also found a shower curtain for $5! We figured if her roommate comes with one too, they can switch them out on occasion! For $5...
DS has a Woolrich quilt I got him at Target last year. He hasn't used it here but I am sure he will in the north country!
Anyone have any suggestions of things needed for college! This isn't something I planned. Kids born 4 years apart one is supposed to be done when the other one starts right?
Have a good day!