So here is a little sneak of how we spent the weekend. The project isn't quite finished yet, but should be in a few days.
This is the back wall of the family room. Door leads to the powder room.
Here it is a few hours later.
Discovered that our walls aren't level and that the stud finder isn't always right! Probably has to do with the thermostat and it was framed differently.

Before - back wall
After - back wall. This was the end of Saturday. Sunday dawned rainy and cool. After church stopped off to get trim and caulk. Fun, Fun.
Before trim.

With top shelf and trim added. After DH nailed these in, spent the rest of the day caulking and sanding. Now I get to spend today priming and maybe getting a first coat of paint on. It did really go up easy, and I got to use the nail gun! ( It was my bday present 2 years ago, but never got to use it!) I really love how it turned out, finished pics, forthcoming!
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