I love fresh from the vine tomatoes, don't you? We planted 4 plants, can't wait!
There are 3 in this bed and 1 in the next one. Yellow Pear, Purple Cherokee, Superstar to name 3 of them!
Here I also have some swiss chard, and a zucchini! The tall plant is my sugar snap peas that have been growing all winter. Still producing but starting to taper off.
I also added a pot with some rosemary and basil. Need to start cooking with them more!
Have you planted your garden yet? What are you growing.
Here is a pic of our garden from last year!
This is when the tomatoes were real high and the squash was crazy!
Hope we get the same this year.
I'm jealous -- it's too early for veggie planting where I am and yours look so hopeful! Thanks for sharing at Met Monday :)