Sunday, March 17, 2013

Veggie time!

Hi all, hope you have had a great weekend and a safe and green St. Paddy's day!  Pretty low key around here.  Last weekend it was time to get the raised beds ready for veggies.  We added more soil and some compost and mixed it up a bit.  Then added our veggies.

I love fresh from the vine tomatoes, don't you?  We planted 4 plants, can't wait!
There are 3 in this bed and 1 in the next one.  Yellow Pear, Purple Cherokee, Superstar to name 3 of them!
Here I also have some swiss chard, and a zucchini!  The tall plant is my sugar snap peas that have been growing all winter.  Still producing but starting to taper off.
I also added a pot with some rosemary and basil.  Need to start cooking with them more!
Have you planted your garden yet?  What are you growing.

Here is a pic of our garden from last year!

This is when the tomatoes were real high and the squash was crazy!

Hope we get the same this year.



1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous -- it's too early for veggie planting where I am and yours look so hopeful! Thanks for sharing at Met Monday :)
