Monday, May 14, 2012

One down.

Well I finished quilt number one, for Niece #1.  Now this isn't by preference, nieces, but by graduation date!  Here is a pic:
Here it is waiting for DD to snip.  She is my official snipper!  She does it faster and better than I.

Once you have finished sewing all the squares and rows together, you need to sew a 1" allowance around the perimeter.  I like to use a decorative stitch.

I can't get much fancier that that considering my machine is 41 years old!  Yes I have an old Bernina.  It was used when I got it for my High School graduation.  But it is a workhorse, sewn many a quilt, purse and even my wedding dress!
I also add a label, just in case they forget who made it.
For Niece #2 still need to find another fabric.  DD has finals this week, then she is home for the summer, so she can help with that.  She is trying to find a job, which is proving to be challenging, since it is her first one.  It is that vicious circle, they want experience, but you can't get experience with out first getting the job...

Have a great Monday!


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