Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Lanterns

I am loving all the lanterns seen around blogland.  So I have been on the hunt for them the past few months.  I found these two at Home Goods.  Sorry I don't have a before shot, they were a pewter gray and on clearance for about $4 each.  I took out the glass and spray painted them a fun turquoise!  I decided to only put every other glass panel back for easy lighting!

Next I found this tall black one at a garage sale for $1, yes $1. Just needed a new coat of fresh black to make it new again.  We used a chain from an old hanging plant and presto, a lantern chandelier!

Our backyard is one long patio.  This is a little seating alcove we have created.  Can't wait to sit out their and light them.  Been a little cool in So Cal in the evenings so may have to wait till the June Gloom makes way for July heat!

Have a great week,


Linked to:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

The Shabby Nest

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Fantabulous Friday!


My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

Domestically Speaking


  1. I love the color your chose for those lanterns! So cute!

  2. CUTE!!

    I lived in Redondo for about 10 years......I remember June gloom!!

  3. So so pretty! Now you've got me thinking about the lanterns I have stashed....spray paint here I come!
